GAYO,CSEC and its partners have a post UNGA dialogue with minister of Education, Parliamentarians, Social Media Influencers, Director open Distance Education and Learning sharing the UNGA presidents CommitteeMINISTER OF GENDER
Patricia Kaliati Said its unfortunate that despite decades of campaigning against gender based violence issues still there more cases of GBV16 Days of activism against Gender based Violence Malawi Launch At Linthipe secondary School Ground in DEDZA District
EOL Partner’s GAYO and FAWEMA in attendance @GPfor education,@SAYWHATorg,@NAQEZ3,@FACETorg,@Oxfammalawi,@Plan malawiPartnership Enhancement Meeting
WHERE: LILONGWE HOTEL Today on 29.11.2022 world vision in conducting a partnership enhancement meeting at Lilongwe Hotel the purpose of the meeting is to enhance effective partnership management in projects
SARSYC IV Conference
Where: SUNBIRD Hotel Lilongwe, Malawi. When: 24th – 25th AUGUST 2022. SAYWHAT shall convene the 4th edition of SARSYC from the 24th to the 25th of August 2022 in partnership
Bank Mkhonde women drilled in business management to mitigate GBV from their husbands
A Mchinji based organization, Girls Activist Youth Organization (GAYO) has trained village savings loan groups locally known as Banki Mkhonde in business management as one way of eradicating gender based
GAYO Fights COVID-19 at Mchinji District Hospital
Girls Activist Youth Organization (GAYO) with assistance from World Vision on Wednesday donated protective gears to Mchinji District Hospital to fight against the novel coronavirus. Speaking during the donation ceremony