International Day of African Child


DATE: 18/6/2022
Plan International Representative Said the commemoration of the Day of the African Child is a critical activity for Plan International Malawi. Currently, Plan International Malawi is conducting a Girls Get Equal campaign with an aim of empowering girls to actively participate in matters of development as equal partners with boys and everyone else. This campaign is in support with the issue of ensuring that girls and children are safe online free from all forms of online abuse, as raised by the Director of Chair Affairs, Mr. McknightKalanda. We also encourage everyone facing any form of abuse to not hesitate to report to authorities for their action.   Additionally, Plan International Malawi works together with the Ministry of Education to encourage girl education across all levels of education. The organization has worked hand in hand with the ministry in improving the outlook of the school structures in Malawi, especially looking into Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM), constructing girl’s hostels and building capacities of teachers to appreciate the important of girl education.   Plan International Malawi appreciates the Ministry of Education for the support it has rendered and continues to render in pursuit of its goals  
The Deputy Minister of Education Hon Monica Chang`anamuno who was present at the event pledged support towards the interventions in the education sector and support GAYO in the advocacy campaign on Education Financing for Girls in rural and farming communities GAYO was chosen as lead organization in the partnership of international Day of African Child that put GAYO in a platform to easily drive GEAR Concept to partners Put in place standard guidelines for school infrastructures that will support girl  child education Increase in  budget allocation for early child development and education sector

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